Login node for shared cluster (for use with training accounts)
Clean up AMIs
Console > Services > EC2 > AMIs > Select > Right Click > Deregister > Continue
Open cloud9
Console > Services > Cloud9 > Open IDE
Download Tutorial Files
cd ~ && wget -c -O - | tar -xj
Packer build not working as expected
Check the following:
- Did you download and install Packer from Hashicorp? If you missed this step, you may be using an unrelated application already installed on the Cloud9 environment.
- Are your account API keys in place? Packer uses API calls to walk through the image generation steps, and requires the ability to perform a few EC2-related actions. The easiest way to have API keys available to Packer is to set them as environment variables - in EventEngine, simply paste the full set of credentials from the dashboard into your terminal. In a standard account, set the two keys downloaded from your IAM console to
Packer Sanity Check
$ md5sum `which packer`
779d009e3f39c2d167191962b16a304b /home/ec2-user/bin/packer
AWS Credential Check:
If either is not set, the tutorial will not work.