Development Environment
OpenHPC endeavors to include a consistent set of variables for accessing elements of installed packages. In particular, many development packages provide a set of header files, one or more runtime libraries, and potentially, some number of pre-built binaries. The OpenHPC modulefiles set environment variables based on the package name to map to the top-level path of each package installation along with the location of include files, binaries, and libraries.
The module show
command is a quick way to indicate which variables are set by a particular module. Run this command for the PETSc parallel library package visible in your current modules hierarchy:
$ module load petsc
$ module show petsc
whatis("Name: petsc built with gnu9 compiler and mpich MPI ")
whatis("Version: 3.13.1 ")
whatis("Category: runtime library ")
whatis("Description: Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation ")
whatis(" ")
This module loads the PETSc library built with the gnu9 compiler
toolchain and the mpich MPI stack.
Version 3.13.1
Note how this modulefile sets four PETSC related paths:
(path to top-level installation)PETSC_BIN
(path to PETSc-related binaries)PETSC_INC
(path to PETSc-related header files)PETSC_LIB
(path to PETSc-related runtime libraries for linkage)
This convention is similar for other packages across the development environment. While specific compilation instructions using available libraries in OpenHPC will differ, you may find it convenient to leverage these available environment variables in your own build system or on the command line.
Build an example with PETSc
Let us now use several of the environment variables mentioned above to build a working example with PETSc, a popular linear algebra library. To begin, copy the source code for a C example housed within $PETSC_DIR
into your current directory. This example solves a linear system arising from a simple 5-point stencil (in parallel).
$ cp $PETSC_DIR/share/petsc/examples/src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex12.c
To compile, we need to resolve a petscksp.h
header file and also link against
. An example compilation using the module provided variables is as follows:
$ mpicc -O3 -o ex12 -I$PETSC_INC ex12.c -L$PETSC_LIB -lpetsc -lm
Next, let’s run this binary on a single node for two processor counts. Begin by requesting an interactive job. We will only ask for 1 task, but since the compute hosts are configured for exclusive usage, you will be able to run multiple tasks on the node:
$ srun -n 1 --pty /bin/bash
The above should give you an interactive shell on the assigned compute node. Now, let’s run the PETSc binary serially. We will provide additional command-line options to set the overall matrix dimensions, enable detailed profiling data, and use a conjugate-gradient solver.
$ mpiexec -n 1 ./ex12 -n 900 -m 900 -log_view -ksp_type cg
If successful, you should se detailed profiling information. Take note of the linear solver time denoted as KSPSolve
. For example:
KSPSolve 1 1.0 1.3239e+01 1.0 2.16e+10 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 98100 0 0 0 98100 0 0 0 1635
The 4th column contains the wallclock time for the solve step (13.2 secs in the above example).
Now, repeat the same process using 2 cores and take note of the runtime required for KSPSolve
$ mpiexec -n 2 ./ex12 -n 900 -m 900 -log_view -ksp_type cg
What is going on here?