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Supercomputing 2020 (SC20) Tutorial

Practical OpenHPC: Cluster Management, HPC Applications, Containers and Cloud

Tutorial Level: Intermediate
Tutorial Length: 3 hours
  • David Brayford
  • Karl W. Schulz
  • Christopher S. Simmons
  • Nirmala Sundararajan
  • Derek Simmel
Target Audience: HPC cluster operators and users, computational science application developers with an interest in portable HPC software tools and environments including containers, VMs and Cloud Deployments.

Since its inception as a Linux Foundation project in 2015, OpenHPC (https:/// has steadily grown to provide a modern, consistent reference collection of HPC software. Although the primary focus of OpenHPC remains enabling the on-premises deployment of new HPC clusters rapidly, the OpenHPC software repository itself serves as a reliable, portable, integrated collection of software, libraries, tools and user environment that can be employed in containers and VMs in the cloud.

The goal of this tutorial is to help HPC cluster operators, users and application developers gain a better understanding of OpenHPC, and to develop confidence in their ability to employ elements of the OpenHPC software repository to address their needs in flexible ways within HPC clusters as well as in portable environments including containers on their laptop computers or in OpenHPC-ready VMs in cloud environments.